Positive Behaviour at Leeds City Academy
We have the highest expectations of our students at Leeds City Academy. This in turn ensures your child feels safe, happy and can maximise their potential. We are also committed to working ‘In Partnership’ with students, helping them not only improve academically, but also develop their character and interpersonal skills to support them in securing their future aspirations and ambitions.
Students are encouraged, supported, and will be rewarded for displaying and developing our ‘In Partnership’ values but equally, should students make poor choices contrary to our expectations or academy values, they will receive advice, guidance and an appropriate sanction to enable them to understand and reflect on their behaviours and choices.
If poor decisions or poor behaviour persist beyond two warnings, students will be removed from lessons and issued with a reflection meeting within within 24 hours. Failure to attend this will result in a detention. This ensures that the student does not disrupt the teaching and learning of their peers and provides time for the student to reflect and complete a restorative meeting with their teacher or member of staff.
Parents/carers will receive notifications should their child be required to attend a same day detention. The academy uses the Arbor application to communicate this and parents can download this on both IOS and Android. Please speak to a member of the Leeds City Academy staff should you need any assistance in setting this up. Other sanctions will be issued to students based on a clear tariff basis which can be found on the academy website.
At Leeds City Academy all students have the opportunity to engage in our extensive reward and recognition scheme that ensures all students who display exceptional academy values receive the praise and recognition they deserve. In every lesson students are able to earn reward stamps for their contribution to their learning which can be exchanged for rewards in the academy reward shop, which is accessible to all students 3 mornings a week. Each week staff formally acknowledges achievements through text messages home and postcards. Each half-term individual achievement is formally recognised in the prize-giving assembly alongside the opportunity to engage in reward activities for those displaying continuous excellence in their professional behaviours.