Careers and Guidance

At the Academy we acknowledge that young people need high quality careers support to set them on the road to becoming Global Citizens who will lead fulfilling working lives. We work with partners, including employers, universities, apprenticeship providers and careers advisers to carefully plan and integrate Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programmes that relate to careers, employability and enterprise education. Our agenda covers all year groups and has clear, explicit outcomes.

 Please contact our Careers Manager, Kate Molloy - if you have any questions or contact 0113 2844260.

The Quality in Careers Standard

Leeds City Academy has has been assessed and accredited as “fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks” for the national quality award for its careers education, information, advice and guidance provision.

Click here to view our certificate recognising this accreditation.

Key Documents & Information

Click here to see the following policies:


Download the Student Entitlement Statement for Careers Education 

DNA Careers Education Plan 


Useful websites for Careers

National Careers Service Start Online Careers Platform
The Amazing Apprenticeships Website Post-16 Options Booklet

 Sector Experience & Employability Days (SEED)

At Leeds City Academy, we have developed a new work experience programme for our Year 10 students which we promote as Sector Experience & Employability Days (SEED). This programme is unique to our academy, is inclusive of all students and is engaging and aspirational. 

We have well established, and in some cases, international organisations working in partnership with the academy. The SEEDs have been designed by the academy, colleges, universities and employers to inspire our students and give them a real insight into the world of work in their chosen sector. Each SEED comprises of a range of workshops, hands on activities and visits to employers in the Leeds City Region, including ASDA, KPMG, Exa Networks, Northern Ballet and Mills & Reeve solicitors.

The range of employers, activities and project-based learning is key for student engagement and our students are in turn able to display our academy values including resilience, tolerance and professionalism. In addition, our students are able to develop their work skills such as problem solving, teamwork, presenting and communications.

To read about one of our sector partnerships, click here.

Measuring the Impact of CEIAG 

At Leeds City Academy we assess the impact of the careers programme through a number of means: - 

  • The Academy holds the nationally accredited Quality in Careers Standard Award. 
  • Comprehensive destinations information to further education, employment and apprenticeships. 
  • Student voice after each event. 
  • Comprehensive feedback of our SEED programme considering employer, staff and student voice. 
  • We assess our programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks using the Compass + self-evaluation tool. 
  • We have started an online platform where students have access to a wide range of careers linking to local labour market information. This programme enables the Academy to track student engagement in activities across the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.  

Careers in the Curriculum 


Gatsby Benchmark 4 - Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers 

Achieving this benchmark requires a whole school approach to careers. Each subject area has a responsibility to ensure that careers education is mapped within their curriculum. 

The school adopts a strategic approach to linking curriculum learning to careers and develops a coherent rationale for embedding careers in subject learning. This is not about making a subject more popular; It is about making subjects more relatable and relevant to everyday and working life. Real-life contexts and examples from the world of work can make subjects easier to understand and help students feel more engaged in their learning. Above all, linking curriculum learning to careers can boost achievement and help students to progress.  

Each department nominates a curriculum champion who develops resources that are delivered during our three career immersion weeks throughout the year.  Teachers are confident at talking about careers related to their subject matter and understand the routes, pathways and the skills in demand from employers. Subject teachers will understand the school process to access potential employers or alumni and regularly look to increase contact and develop relationships with key local and national employers. 

Example of Resources 

History Careers in the Curriculum 

KS3 Art and Design 


CEIAG in Action


Boys Into Health - News Story

Medicine & Dentistry  - News Story

Big Bang Fair - News Story

Engineering - News Story

Creative Careers Fair - News Story 

Leeds Beckett University 

Boys into Psychology Day