At Leeds City Academy, we believe that music should always be skills driven, aiming to give pupils a broad knowledge and understanding of a variety of genres, instruments and skill sets.
We are proud to offer 2 specialist music rooms, with 121 instrumental tuitions available for Yrs 7 to 11 in a variety of instruments. We offer a wide range of opportunities for students to practice and perform in a variety of genres as either a soloist or as part of an ensemble in both the classroom and in our Peak Performance Programme. We pride ourselves at Leeds City Academy on ensuring that students receive experiential knowledge in a wide range of musical cultures and influences.
At KS4 we currently deliver the BTEC Award in Music Practice which gives pupils the opportunity to engage with a variety of genres through practical and analytical means.
For more information, please contact the Music team, we look forward to welcoming you to the department.
For more information, please contact our Head of Department: Pauline Trusselle
Course Delivered
- BTEC Award in Music Practice
Term by Term Subject Content
Year 7 Units |
Year 8 Units |
Year 9 Units |
Year 10 Units |
Component One: Exploring Musical Products and Styles (30%)
Year 11 Units |
Y11 Units - Component Two: Musical Skills Development (30%)
Component Three: Responding to a Music Brief (40%)