At Leeds City Academy, we believe that a high-quality Physical Education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
PE at Leeds City Academy aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
Course Delivered
- OCR Cambridge National - Sports Studies Level 1/2
Year by Year Subject Content
Year 7 Units |
- Baseline testing
- Outwitting opponents
- (via Netball, football, rugby and basketball).
- Net-wall
- (via Table tennis and badminton).
- Gymnastics and Acro
- Dance
- Health Related Fitness
- Athletics
- Striking and Fielding (including Rounders, Softball and Cricket)
Year 8 Units |
- Outwitting opponents
- (via Netball, football, rugby and basketball).
- Net-wall
- (via Table tennis and badminton).
- Gymnastics and Acro
- Dance
- Health Related Fitness
- Athletics
- Striking and Fielding (including Rounders, Softball and Cricket)
Year 9 Units |
- Outwitting opponents
- (via Netball, football, rugby and basketball).
- Net-wall
- (via Table tennis and badminton).
- Gymnastics and Acro
- Dance
- Health Related Fitness
- Athletics
- Striking and Fielding (including Rounders, Softball and Cricket)
Year 10 Units |
- Outwitting opponents
- (via Netball, football, rugby and basketball).
- Net-wall
- (via Table tennis and badminton).
- Gymnastics and Acro
- Dance
- Health Related Fitness
- Athletics
- Striking and Fielding (including Rounders, Softball and Cricket)
OCR Sport Studies
- R185 - Performance and Leadership in sports activities
- R186 - Sports & the Media
Year 11 Units |
- Outwitting opponents
- (via Netball, football, rugby and basketball).
- Net-wall
- (via Table tennis and badminton).
- Gymnastics and Acro
- Dance
- Health Related Fitness
- Athletics
- Striking and Fielding (including Rounders, Softball and Cricket)
OCR Sports Studies
- R184 - Contemporary issues in sport
For further information on the curriculum offered please contact the Academy F.A.O Joshua Nolan (Head of PE)