Leeds City Academy


Year 7 Next Steps Curriculum

Curriculum Introduction

Download the full Curriculum and Assessment Plan



Student Target Grades

Students will be set target grades for all subjects based on a ‘CAT’s test on entry into year 7.  These tests provide us with an ‘aspirational’ target grade for each subject.  This grade represents what each student is capable of achieving at the end of year 11 if they are challenged in lessons.  The grade is based around the newly reformed GCSEs and is on the new 9 to 1 grades (with 9 being the highest and 1 the lowest).

Our curriculum maps below show the grade criteria for each subject area.


Subject Specific Information

Following the links below will take you to more specific information for each area of study.

English Maths Science

Art & Design Computing Drama Geography History
Music PE French Technology

Student progress reports

Student progress is tracked and monitored throughout the year.  After the collection of progress data from teachers, student progress reports will be produced and sent home. The report includes an update on student’s ‘current grade’, ‘Attitude’, ‘Effort’, ‘Homework’, ‘Attendance’ and whether students are meeting their end of year aspirational targets for each subject.  Reports will be sent home in December, April and July.




End of year exams

At the end of each school year, students in all year groups will sit end of year exams. These exams are designed to prepare students for the increased challenge of the new GCSEs but also to ensure that the grades achieved in each termly assessment are an accurate reflection of a student’s attainment at the end of the school year.