Equality & Accessibility
Equality Objectives
Our school community celebrates diversity and upholds a clear vision: Leeds City Academy ensures that equal human rights are respected for all and that students are educated in equality through all aspects of their learning.
We tackle inequality as a school community; regularly assessing our practices in relation to age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, race, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
We aim to increase the understanding and appreciation of the diversity of our multicultural society. We will ensure that the growing number of EAL students joining the academy are afforded the necessary support and guidance to ensure that their performance is in line with other students.
Public Sector Equality Duty Statement
Accessibility Plan for Disabled Students
Leeds City Academy provides a 21st Century learning environment where every student has every opportunity to learn and express themselves as individuals. We are fortunate to work within a highly-resourced and expanded site. By regularly refining our learning facilities, we are also ensuring that any barriers which present themselves are quickly addressed, securing the mobility, independence and safety of all students and staff.
Promoting Equality
In order to meet our equality objectives, we will:
- Ensure that all pupils have access to a curriculum and to teaching and learning opportunities which meet their needs, including extra support where this has been identified as a statutory need. When planning the curriculum, we will take every opportunity to promote and advance equality.
- Ensure equality and diversity is fully integrated into the learning experience and will be evident in curriculum planning, developing schemes of work and delivering teaching, learning and assessment.
- Have a clearly defined disciplinary system which is consistently enforced.
- Increase physical and other forms of access for children and young people who have disabilities or other special needs to the school curriculum and take necessary steps to meet pupils’ needs by using a variety of approaches and planning reasonable adjustments, enabling pupils to take as full a part as possible in the activities of the Academy, including extra-curricular activities.
- Plan ongoing events and activities to raise awareness of equality and diversity.
- Carefully monitor any incidents of bullying and prejudice and deal with it accordingly, recording any incidents. Training will be given to both existing and new staff to ensure that they are aware of the process for reporting and following up incidents of prejudice-related bullying.