Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health & Wellbeing Provision at LCA: Information for Parents/Carers


At Leeds City Academy we are committed to working towards creating a world-class provision to support all our learners with their Mental Health and Wellbeing. We have an extensive DNA curriculum that is rich in support, and we have internal and external professionals who work outside the classroom to help those students who may require additional support.

Please take a look at the biographies from the Bridge team below, this should help you to understand our offer and please do not hesitate to contact us about your child wellbeing should you be concerned or believe your child would benefit from any of the services listed. We have also provided some information on services that may be helpful.

The Mental Health & Wellbeing Team



Therapy provides a safe and confidential space to talk to a trained professional about any issues and concerns. The Student Counsellor will help your young person to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours so they can develop a better understanding of themselves and of others.

The Student Counsellor will not give their opinions or advice or prescribe medication. They will help your young person to find their own solutions – whether that is making effective changes in their life or finding ways of coping with their problems.

Sessions are offered weekly lasting 50 minutes for a maximum of 12 weeks.




Mr Thompson,

Wellbeing Worker

  • Hi there. My name is Marlon. I have studied at the University of East London. I studied Psychosocial Studies which focuses on the interrelationship between self, psyche and society and promotes a framework of understanding the interconnections between the personal and the social, inner and outer worlds, as well as the social conditions to mental health.

  • I have previously worked as a SOS Case worker for St Giles trust. My role was to support young adults who were involved in county lines and post codes wars. Before St Giles Trust, I work as a SEMH worker in a primary school for several years, supporting young children with their social, emotional and mental health needs.

  • My interventions within LCA use a student-centred learning approach. I think this encourages the student to take an active role rather than following what I want them to do. I find with this approach it allows the student to communicate openly and gives them the opportunity to create a learning style which benefits them.

  • I am grateful to be a Wellbeing worker at Leeds City Academy and will continue to support students with their mental health and wellbeing.  


Mr Thompson offers wellbeing programmes offered in both 1-1 and group formats around key areas of needs inclusive of: self-esteem and confidence, stress and anxiety, anger management and healthy relationships.

Mr Thompson does sensory circuits with students that require active breaks throughout their day to support concentration and focus and runs our Therapeutic Story Writing intervention.

Therapeutic Story Writing is a therapeutic teaching model that uses the educational curriculum as a therapeutic context.  It aims to bring psychological mindedness to their work in supporting pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. Pupils will generally be on the SEN register as requiring support for their mental health. They are selected because emotional anxiety is getting in the way of their learning. Pupils may or may not have literacy levels below that of their peers.



Becky Morgan,

Art Therapist

  • Hello, I’m Becky. I trained as an Art Psychotherapist on the Art Therapy Northern Programme, Leeds Beckett University

  • I have previously worked as a Teaching Assistant at a Special Educational Needs school with young people with SEN, Autism, and emotional difficulties, I have also worked within a community setting as part of my training, working therapeutically with both adults and young people who have struggled with mental health issues or have been going through difficult life circumstances.

  • My approach in sessions is person-centred which allows the individual to create art and talk about any difficulties or struggles they may be going through as they feel safe and ready to do so, as well as interpreting their own artworks how they wish.

  • I look forward to continuing to work with students at LCA and in bringing in a new form of support to the Mental Health & Wellbeing provision.


Becky provides 1-1 sessions. Art therapy provides a different approach for those students who may struggle to talk or have communication needs.

Art therapy uses art materials as a way of communication.

Art can be used to explore thoughts and feelings as sometimes it is difficult to find the words.

You do not have to be ‘good’ at art. Art therapy is not an art lesson.

Students can use the materials provided however they like. At their own pace in a non-judgemental and safe space.

Art therapy may help find new ways of understanding or coping with tricky feelings or experiences.

The student can choose to talk whenever they want, either whilst using the art materials, or describing what they have created.


Dee Danahay,
Assistant SENCO / Drawing and Talking Practitioner
  • I’m Dee, I am the Assistant Lead of SEND. I have worked at LCA for 8 years, I first started as a Student Support Worker, supporting students in lessons, and running interventions. 


Dee runs our Drawing and Talking sessions. Drawing and Talking allows individuals to discover and communicate emotions through a non-directed technique, setting it apart from existing solution-focused and cognitive-based therapies and interventions. ‘Drawing and Talking’ enables symbolic and safe expression of deep worries. Through the combination of drawing and talking, both sides of the brain interact with each other to express worries or preoccupations.

The process supports students to work through difficulties, enabling them to be more positive, improve their self-esteem and behaviour.


How to Access Support?

Your child can refer themselves for support by:

  • Completing a slip for the Worry Box located outside Kim’s office
  • Speaking to a trusted member of staff who can complete a referral form for them
  • Speaking to a member of the team themselves

If you have a concern about your child and would be interested in them accessing Mental Health & Wellbeing support in school, please contact their Year Manager to discuss.

It may be that members of staff from other areas of the school, such as the Safeguarding, Attendance or SEND teams refer your child for support.

A student will never be forced to engage with any support. If they decline, they will be advised that they can refer again in the future if they wish and their referral will be closed.

Confidentiality and record-keeping

All members of staff in the Mental Health & Wellbeing Team will keep case notes after each interaction with a student. These are brief factual notes about the content of discussion.

Details of the student’s support sessions will not be disclosed to any teaching staff however, advice may be provided to staff if it is relevant to supporting the student in their lessons, with permission from the student.

Support from External Agencies 

Below are just some of the agencies we know of that can support you and your family. If you’d like any further information or support with signposting, we would be happy to help, just give us a call.