Leeds City Academy


A Library for Learning

Leeds City Academy's Library is becoming very popular at break times and after school as a hub for extended learning. From catching up on homework, to discovering new books or entering the reading competition, the Library has something unique to offer every student at Leeds City Academy.

Mrs Harness, Academy Librarian, said: "It's great to see our Academy Library being used as a peaceful learning environment, allowing students to get a head start on their homework and revision whilst using our wealth of printed and electronic resources."

The library is also home to PATHS sessions which run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:50pm - 3:50pm. PATHS stands for Pupil Access to Home Study and is open to all year groups, providing unique support in English, Maths and Science.

Ms Andrew, Foundation School Leader, explains: "PATHS provides the opportunity for students to efficiently complete homework with specialist support and guidance. We understand that some homework can be difficult, so we are delighted to offer this opportunity to all students as they progress through their studies."

As well as furthering study and research, the library is also a vibrant centre for enrichment and personal learning. The latest and most popular fiction titles are on display every day, whilst the Library's collection also offers a wealth of English Literature classics, graphic novels and non-fiction books. Mrs Harness adds: "The popularity of our Academy Library is living proof of how essential libraries are as learning spaces as well as bringing people together through their reading."