Leeds City Academy


Meeting Hilary Benn MP

Following Leeds City Academy's road safety study, conducted on 24th January (read the full report here), Student Council presented their findings to Hilary Benn, MP for Leeds Central.

Woodhouse Street is of concern to Leeds City Academy students and staff. It is a busy route situated before the entrance of the school and a neighbouring nursery. Although the speed limit is 30mph and the road provides two zebra crossings, there have been incidents and injuries on the road in the past year.

"One person was on a mobile phone," observed Leeds City Academy student Rishikesh. "This is actually very dangerous because it is a distraction. People can't see what is in front of them, which can cause accidents. Also, 22 people did not have seatbelts on whilst travelling. If you don't have one on, you can cause damage to yourself in the event of an accident."

PC Berrell said: "This session highlighted the amount of traffic travelling along Woodhouse Street in such a short time frame. It was conducted after rush hour, however there was still a high volume of traffic. Typically, as soon as drivers saw the sign they slowed right down and passed at around 23mph. However excessive speeds were registered at 31, 32, 36 and even 44 mph."

The students presented their findings to Hilary Benn, MP for Leeds Central, on 27th January. Mr Benn said: “I am supporting Leeds City Academy’s campaign for a safer crossing for pupils and local residents and am contacting the Council to press for action.”

Mr Benn later tweeted his views on Twitter @hilarybennmp and added: "Thanks to the student council for coming to see me."

Mrs Foy said: "It was wonderful for the students to meet Mr Benn, who stated that he was keen to visit Leeds City Academy soon. We thank Mr Benn for allowing us to present our findings and air our concerns over road safety in the area, and we look forward to seeing positive change very soon."