Leeds City Academy


New Inspector Resources Page

We are pleased to inform you that staff from Leeds City Academy have been working on adapting and developing our website to not only make the website more user friendly but to give all stakeholders a wealth of information at their fingertips.

As part of our website development we have completely redesigned the Inspector Resources page and created a hub of information. On this page you can find a variety of documentation ranging from our Extended School Day Programme to our Pupil Premium Report. 

The whole purpose of this page is to highlight that, when you visit Leeds City Academy, you will find…

-        an effective 21st century curriculum

-        consistently strong teaching

-        effective leadership at all levels

-        excellent student behaviour

-        relentless ambition for improvement

-        students making strong progress

We hope that you will use our website and the Ofsted/Inspector Resources page, alongside our social media pages, to find out even more about Leeds City Academy and our journey to Outstanding. Click here to visit the New Inspector Resources page.