Leeds City Academy


PSG Partnership at Leeds City Academy

Monday 13th January saw the launch of the PSG Academy at Leeds City Academy.

It was a great evening to launch the partnership between the PSG Academy and Leeds City Academy. We are really excited about the opportunities this will bring to our young people and the experiences they will have as a result. 

We invited parents of students involved in the programme to present how the programme will work, hand out training kits and launch the PSG PDP (Player Development Programme).  

The Player Development Programme delivered to our students by PSG staff will consist of high quality coaching and education of nutrition in 90 minute sessions. Students will then receive a detailed player report they can keep and/or hand back to their respected clubs in order to develop further should they wish.  

This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience a professional coaching programme and develop as footballers. We already have a great partnership with PSG Academy England, and we know this relationship will continue to grow in the coming months. 

When asked about this partnership Mr Chattoe, Principal, commented "I am extremely excited about the partnership we have established with this famous and forward thinking European Football club.

"We are hopeful, this initial pilot will ensure we can run this as a central feature of our work in the future and see this as a superb way for our students to develop sporting skills, knowledge as well as life-long learning and leadership."