Leeds City Academy


Principal's Update

Into Easter, Into Examinations

We’re already a quarter of the way into 2017 - over halfway through this academic year - and Leeds City Academy has accomplished much in this time.

I am delighted to observe that our attendance is continually improving with a marked increase on last year’s figures, demonstrating that our students are more eager than ever to arrive at school, ready to learn. This is, of course, a whole community effort and I thank parents and carers for driving forward our focus on punctuality and resilience in attendance.

The views of our wider school community are very important to us; that’s why our ethos is ‘Aspire Together - Achieve Together.’ All parents and carers will soon receive an invitation to complete the Kirkland Rowell Questionnaire, which is a national survey comparing our progress to other schools across the United Kingdom. I would appreciate it if you could complete this short exercise so that we can gauge your feelings and act on your feedback, to ensure that we become an outstanding Academy in three years.

Next term is a very important period for our Year 11s as they embark on their examinations. To support this, we have a superb reference guide which outlines the many methods available to students to support their revision. This is available in printed form for all of our students and can also be obtained via download here

Also next term, the Academy is launching START, a community hub which exists to support and develop parents and carers. START now has a microsite at www.leedscityacademy.org.uk/STARTComHub, which details how you can find out more about this exceptional provision, which is led by Mr Banciu in collaboration with Leeds City College, local businesses and Leeds City Council services.

Over the Easter break Year 11s will be attending our popular Herd Farm residential with Ms Gunson and Ms Capstick, accelerating progress in English and Maths. This time is also a great opportunity to encourage your child to continue to read stories and articles in English at home, to ensure that they don’t lose ground over the holidays.

I look forward to seeing everyone return next term full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to take on the rigours of exams. In the meantime, please take a moment to reflect on just a few of the accomplishments of 2017 in our Easter Newsletter, which is available at Reception and in a digital format here.

Best wishes,

Jackie Rose