Leeds City Academy


Principal's Update: How to Revise

Mrs Rose's Tips about How to Revise at Leeds City Academy 

As we return to the Academy after the half term break, I am feeling optimistic about the next half term, which is so crucial to our Year 11 students. Before the break, Mr Pollard led some revision workshops for Year 11 with tips and hints on how to revise effectively. These workshops are in response to students asking for help with revision. Each student in the year group was also given a pack of stationary to help them to plan and structure their revision time. I would like to ask parents support their child with revision by doing the following where they can:

  • Finding a space where students can revise quietly without distraction.
  • Encouraging revision to take place regularly and frequently; short periods of time work better than long stretches.
  • Encourage the use of online revision websites or phone apps that have been suggested by the Academy.
  • Ensure the student has high quality sleep - aiming for 8 undisturbed hours per night, preferably without any television, tablets or phones in the room.
  • Limit the amount of time spent on computer games. At this point in the year, social events, computer games, part time jobs can all wait until after exams have finished.  Year 11 students should put themselves and their revision ahead of anything else.

Elsewhere in the Academy, we continue to be very proud of the hard work and dedication demonstrated by our students on a daily basis. It is always a pleasure to walk around, into lessons and see inspiring teachers teaching exceptional lessons to keen and well-motivated students. The Academy continues on its journey to Outstanding and we are confident that we will reach that goal by 2020.

Finally, I would like to remind you to make sure that you sign up for our upcoming Parents’ Evenings, which take place this half term for Year 9 and Year 8 students:

  • 28th February Year 8 Options and Parents’ Evening.
  • 20th March Year 9 Parents Evening.

I thank you for your continued support and look forward to meeting you at Parents' Evening.

Jackie Rose