Leeds City Academy


Principal's Update: Summer Term

What to expect at LCA this term

As we begin the new term it is good to reflect on how much progress we have made since September 2016. Back then, we had no more than 350 students on roll but numbers are now at 560. We are also expecting our new Year 7 to be our biggest year group to date and full in September 2018.

Our teaching and pastoral support workforce has also grown in response to these greater numbers but more importantly the staff body are all highly experienced staff in their field. Teaching has undergone a revolution over the last academic year, with teachers now using tried and tested modern teaching techniques to ensure your children make the best progress they can do.

I want to train and provide opportunity for our best teachers to progress within this academy but also to minimise the work load on staff especially around administrative tasks like marking. We have worked hard to refine our marking and feedback policy and over the coming term further refinements will be made and training given to staff so that the feedback given to students maximises the progress they can make in their different subjects.

Results also continue to rise and we are predicting further improvements in this summer’s exams, even after the huge improvements made last year. In particular, data analysis is showing that Year 7 and 8 are making particularly strong progress, against more challenging targets and greater emphasis on knowledge retention in lessons. As always, students in respond very well to all our efforts as teachers to improve and refine our practice; something we need to do more and more as we get ever closer to our Outstanding target.

As always, parents can help by ensuring students are here every day in the correct uniform, with the correct equipment. Please make sure your child leaves home every morning with two black or blue pens, a red pen, a green pen, two pencils, a ruler, their planner, dictionary and a reading book. There are exciting incentives and rewards for perfect attendance this term so please ensure your children attend every day on time.

Over the holidays, decorators and cleaners have been busy in the Academy canteen. It has had a fresh coat of paint and has now been suited with new dining tables and benches. These will replace the old, unsuitable, mishmash of chairs and tables previously in the canteen and seat more students in one sitting.

This term will also see Year 10 students go on a one-week work experience placement and Year 5 students will come to the Academy to experience secondary school life for one week.

As ever, I feel excited and re-invigorated to start this term which will, I know see even greater success and improvement than the last.

Kind regards,

Jackie Rose