Leeds City Academy


Results Day Guidance

Update - Monday 17th August

Update - Monday 17th August 

Following the Ofqual announcement on Monday 17th August, we can confirm that there are no planned changes to our GCSE results day. Roger Taylor, the Chair of Ofqual, has released a statement to confirm that GCSE grades will be awarded based on the Centre Assessed Grades submitted by the academy to the exam boards in May 2020, following extensive work by our expert subject teachers to identify the grade each student was most likely to achieve had they sat their GCSE exams.  

Should further announcements identify any further changes to the release of GCSE grades we will ensure this is communicated to our parents. You can click here to read the full statement from the Government.

GCSE Results Day at Leeds City Academy

Following government advice, if you have any symptoms of COVID – 19, for the safety of staff and students you MUST NOT attend results day. Please let us know that you will not be able to collect your results and we will arrange to have them posted to you. This includes if you are self-isolating, are waiting to take a coronavirus test or shielding. Please email saltmer.l@whiteroseacademies.org if this applies to you.

If you have arrived in the UK from a country that is not included in the government’s Travel Corridor list you must isolate for 14 days, including if it was a transit stop during travel from another country. The list of countries can be found here.  

If you are attending results day, please arrive at your designated time. We will not be able to allow students to collect their results until their appointment time.

Please click here to be taken to a letter from Ofqual which discusses the results process this year. 

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

We have compiled a list of Results Day FAQs (frequently asked questions) based on what we think you would like to know at this time. 

When will I find out my result?

Results day this year for both GCSE and BTEC qualifications is Thursday 20th August 2020. 

Can I talk to my teachers about my results?

Senior leaders and our CEIAG manager, Ms Ward, will be available on the day to discuss your next steps. The exam guidance clearly states that staff are not allowed to discuss the grades that they calculated for you and sent off to the exam board.

If you would prefer to email in any queries, please email lcaoptions@whiteroseacademies.org to ensure you get a swift response from the appropriate person.

You will be able to book an appointment with Ms Ward on Friday 21st August, Monday 24th or Tuesday 25th August. Please e-mail ward.h1@whiteroseacademies.org to book a slot for a 1-1 guidance session. 

Will grades issued in 2020 have the same value as grades issued in previous or future years?

The grades awarded to students will have the same value as grades awarded in other years and should be treated in this way by universities, colleges and employers.

On the results slips and certificates, grades will be reported in the same way as in previous years.

The government are reviewing the final arrangements for the Autumn resits, and the information below is correct, as of 17th August 2020. 

Can I resit my exams if I am not happy with my grades?

Yes. Students who feel that their grades from the summer do not reflect their ability will have the opportunity to take their exams in the autumn series or in summer 2021.

If they choose to do this, students will be able to use the higher of the two grades for future progression. 

Who will be eligible to take exams in the autumn?

Entry to autumn exams will be open to all students who had entered for GCSEs in the summer series, or to those who the exam board believes have made a compelling case about their intention to have entered the summer series.

Students who would normally be entitled to take GCSEs in English language and maths in November should also be able to take exams in those subjects. 

When will the autumn exam series be held?

GCSE exams will be held in November. Exam boards will run a further series in January for GCSE English language and maths only – if there is demand for this.

The exam boards will set the entry deadlines for students wanting to take exams in the autumn for a date in September.

Families should not make resit decisions on results day. This should be done in consultation with the Quality of Education team, after you have spoken to the college or sixth form admissions team for the place you have applied to. 

Will students be able to sit all of their exams in the autumn?

Yes. To ensure this is fair for all students, we will require exam boards to offer the full suite of GCSE qualifications in the autumn. This means any student who does not feel their calculated grade reflects their ability is given the opportunity to sit an exam at the earliest reasonable opportunity.

If students are unhappy with a grade, do they have to take all their exams in the autumn or can they just take exams in the subject they are unhappy with? 

Students will not have to sit exams in all subjects in the autumn.

They may take exams in as few subjects as they would like to.

If a student wishes to take exams in a particular subject in the autumn, they will need to take all the exam papers in that subject.

Will the format of exam papers in the autumn series be any different to usual?  

The format of exam papers in the autumn series will be the same as those usually offered in the summer exams. 

Will there be a cost for students taking exams in the autumn?

Fees for exams are set by the exam boards.

They will share further information on fees for awarding grades this summer, and for the optional autumn exam series in due course. 


Will students be able to appeal the results of the autumn exam series?

The autumn series will replicate a normal summer exam series as far as is possible.

The normal review of marking and appeal arrangements will therefore apply to the autumn series.