Leeds City Academy


Togetherness in the Library

Celebrating diversity in our school

Leeds City Academy's Library have recently entered a competition celebrating diversity for the Namaste Youth Project.

Our librarians, Mrs Harness and Mrs Goddard, have worked really hard to create a display made up have paper-hands; as well as inspiring the students to write their own poems.

Togetherness in our library is our inclusion project that aims to fuse together a celebration of inclusion with the promotion of literacy. The project runs on many levels so all of our children can participate regardless of their educational ability. Here are the things we have been up to:

Joining Hands Project 

Students are encouraged to think about what diversity means to them. They then draw around their hands and write or draw their ideas on the hands using thesaurus/dictionaries the internet and their own imagination. This maybe one word for children new to English or many quote/thoughts for other children. Staff, the children’s families and the wider community were also involved in producing hands.


Love Books Love Equality

This initiative promotes exploration though reading of diversity issues.  We have book displays that explore the issues of diversity. We also have a reading volunteer coming into school once a week to share and read books with a group of children. Our first book will be Wonder by P.J Palacio which is a book about disability, prejudice and self-acceptance.

Celebrating Me! Poetry

The students were collectively involved in creating poetry in the library on the theme of celebrating me, celebrating difference.

  Read and Watch Our Togetherness Poem 

The Togetherness Project

I am ready to change the world.

I wonder if the people of the world could look at each other as human beings?

I hear peace.

I see togetherness.

I want the world to celebrate cultural diversity.

I am ready to change the world.

I pretend we do not judge and we just accept.

I feel fortunate to be a part of my school community.

I touch harmony and it feels great.

I worry that different opinions may be reflected in peoples’ actions and manners.

I cry when people fight and do not get along.

I am ready to change the world.

I understand that sometimes, the way you look is what people care about but your heart is central to being an attractive person.

I say going through problems can expose you to more experience and understanding in some situations.

I dream the world can be peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all.

I try to ignore racism and promote harmony.

I hope that the world becomes as co-operative as my school.

I am ready to change the world.

Watch our poem being read aloud: