Leeds City Academy


Work of the Week

Celebrating incredible Work

Every day we create incredible work across Leeds City Academy - in each and every subject. This week's piece comes from Adeeba in Art.

Adeeba has created exceptional work in Art over the Summer in preparation for her GCSE work this academic year. She was a very effective student leader last year, acting as a real role model for so many students and is now a candidate for our new Head Girl. Adeeba is now diligently revising from a pre-planned revision schedule in order to secure the very best GCSE results this year.

Ms Byfield said: "Adeeba is always eager to improve. She listens to advice and acts on it, pushing herself to be better. Importantly, she always aims high and never settles for anything but her very best - never allowing setbacks to impact on her work. Well done Adeeba!"

Are you demonstrating excellence in Maths, English, Science or Sport? You could qualify for the next Work of the Week.