Leeds City Academy


Year Manager Awards

Congratulations to five of our students who have been recognised by their Year Manager!

This week five students have been recognised by their Year Managers for their commitment to learning, caring for others and displaying resilience.

Well done to all the students nominated for these brilliant awards!

Rayan in Year 7 -  "She has attended all her lessons and worked hard. She was concerned that an incorrect password was posted to her meaning her classmate couldn't access GCSE Pod and she didn't want him to fall behind. She has shown professionalism and caring behaviour throughout the distant learning period."

Tamara in Year 8 - "Tamara has been attending all lessons and engaging really well. They are trying exceptionally hard to continue to make good progress."

Romello in Year 9 - "His commitment to learning and engagement in lessons has been recognised by several members of staff. He is trying extremely hard and is demonstrating resilience daily."

Zohen in Year 10 - "Zoheb has shown fantastic effort and engagement during the transition to live lessons. He has attended every session and has received praise from his teachers in every lesson for his engagement and completion of work. Well done Zoheb!"

Goshen in Year 11 - "This young student is doing exceptionally well in all her lessons, particularly Humanities and History. Total commitment and dedication to online learning is being demonstrated with 100% attendance in 'live lessons'. A generally outstanding learner."