Cultural Capital
Our Culture Conferences
During their time at the academy, students at Leeds City Academy take part in exciting Culture Conferences to further enhance their personal development programme. During these externally led conferences, students are immersed in explorative learning that is closely linked to our In Partnership Values.
We are proud to work closely with the following organisations:
"The support I receive at Leeds City Academy helps me to achieve my goals." - Year 10 student
Our Form Time & Assembly Programme
Our assembly programme allows time for deeper reflection and celebration regarding spiritual, moral, social, and cultural values. This special part of the academy day encourages students to consider their place within the wider world and allows us time to celebrate as a wider staff and student body.
Assemblies are an opportunity for us to reflect upon special dates and to celebrate our student body via awards assemblies and student led performances.
Our assembly programme also recognises the diverse range of talent we have here at Leeds City Academy by holding regular, student led performance assemblies.
Our assembly and form time programme celebrate and reflect upon many significant dates.
Our Reflection and Celebration Calendar
Click here to see our Reflection and Celebration Calendar.
"We have a diverse community who all share the same values – this makes us truly special." - Site Manager