Leeds City Academy


Our DNA curriculum 

The DNA curriculum is a highly valued and well considered curriculum that incorporates; personal, social, and health, education (PSHE), religious studies, citizenship, and careers education. At Leeds City Academy, all students receive one hour of DNA per week.

At Leeds City Academy we understand the importance of educating students about relationships and sex, to support them in making responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives. We also understand that educating pupils about physical health and mental well-being supports them in making healthy life choices, recognising potential issues, and knowing how to seek support.

Our DNA Curriculum:

Relationships, sex, and health education is incorporated within our DNA curriculum.

At Leeds City Academy we seek to consult with our parents and carers regarding our relationships, sex and health education policy. To share your opinions please take part in our online consultation.

Click here to view our RSE Policy.

To support parents with understanding our RSE curriculum, we have created an RSE curriculum document which highlights the specific relationships and sex education lessons that are included within our DNA program. Click here to view this.

Click here to view our letter to parents explaining our approach (Romanian).


Example DNA lessons and student workbook:

We were delighted to be featured in a case study from the Association for Citizenship Teaching, which you can read here.