Leeds City Academy


Remote Education 

Remote Education at Leeds City Academy

This information is to make it clear to students and parents or carers what to expect from remote education where students need to remain at home (perhaps due to self-isolating with COVID 19). 

Students that are unable to attend school will follow the same curriculum remotely as we do in school. Students follow their normal timetable of lessons as if they were in the Academy. If a student does not have a copy of their timetable, they need to contact the school for a replacement, or they can look on the Arbor app.

How do students access remote education?

Students will access Remote Education online using Microsoft Teams. To do this the student can use any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer) that is capable of accessing the internet. Here is a video demonstrating how to access Microsoft Teams.


 Click on the icon below to access a 'how to join live lessons' guide.


What if a student does not have the equipment?

We recognise that some students may not be able to go online, perhaps if they do not have a suitable device or internet connection. To support these students, we can loan them an Academy laptop and (if needed) equipment to connect to the Internet. Students that may benefit from a laptop loan are identified at the start of the school year via an online ‘Pupil Access’ survey that they complete in their lessons. However, a parent can also request a laptop loan for their child when they inform the Academy’s attendance team of the student’s absence.

What will lessons be like?

During the lesson the class teacher will post work for the student in the class Team. Wherever possible this will be a live-streamed lesson allowing the student to ‘join’ in their class activities remotely. For some practical subjects such as PE, Drama and Technology this might not always be possible. Instead, the class teacher will post a message in the class Team with instructions of how to follow the learning taking place in the classroom. This might include attaching the lesson resources (slides and worksheets) for the student to follow at home. In some situations, the class teacher will post a link to an appropriate video or website that closely matches the work students are doing in the classroom.

 What are students expected to do?

Students are expected to follow their normal timetable of lessons and to go to each lesson by clicking on the appropriate class team. If their class teacher has started a live-streamed lesson they will see a ‘Join’ button to join the lesson remotely. If there is no Join button students must look for the latest post from their teacher and complete the work set.

Teachers and Year Managers can see when a student has entered a class Team and how long they stayed in that Team. We expect pupils to be in the class Team for the duration of the lesson so they can interact with their teacher.

If there is no work set in the class Team this might be because the class teacher is unexpectedly absent and the class is being covered by a different teacher. Parents can contact the Year Manager if this happens and we will forward the work that was set. The student can use that lesson to catch up with other lessons they might not have finished or to work on their homework.

How will students know they are making progress?

Class teachers will give students clear instructions on how their progress will be assessed during remote learning. If students join a live-streamed lesson in the class Team they will receive instant feedback as if they were in the classroom. If a student is absent for more than a few days teachers might use quizzes or assessments made using Microsoft Forms or using a web-based quiz platform such as Kahoot, Socrative or Quizizz to assess progress.

Students in Years 10 and 11 might also be asked to submit written work back to their teacher for assessment. This could be done in one of the following ways:

  • Using Class Notebook/OneNote (set up by the teacher)
  • Attaching a file to a Teams Assignment
  • Sharing their work with the teacher (using the Share button)
  • Sending their work as an email attachment
  • Doing the work on paper and sending a photograph

The class teacher will make it clear which is the preferred method of submitting written work. If the student needs help to submit the work or has any other work related questions they can post a message for their teacher in the class Team.

How are students with additional needs supported?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils with an individual personalised plan. 

Need support with your Remote Education?

If you do not have your login details contact the academy

If you need support or have any safeguarding concerns, please speak to our team

Number: 0113 284 4260

Email: LCARemoteHelp@whiteroseacademies.org 


Daca nu aveti detaliile de logare, sau daca aveti nevoie de parola sunati cat mai repede la scoala la 01132844260 sau trimiteti email la adresa LCARemoteHelp@whiteroseacademies.org 

Daca va descurcati foarte greu cu alimentele sau aveti ingrijorari in legatura cu siguranta va rugam trimiteti un email la adresa lca-safeguarding@whiteroseacademies.org

Se non hai i tuoi dati di accesso, o se hai bisogno di una nuova password, devi chiamare la scuola allo 0113 284 4260 o e-mail


Se hai bisogno di assistenza sociale o hai un problema di salvaguardia, invia un'e-mail


Se você não tiver seus dados de login, ou se precisar de uma nova senha, você deve ligar para a academia no 0113 284 4260 ou e-mail


Se você precisar de apoio de bem-estar ou tiver uma preocupação de proteção, envie um e-mail
