Admissions / New Starters

During Year 5 and 6 all parents are welcome to contact the Academy for a tour of our facilities. There is also an Open Evening in the first Half Term of the academic year to enable parents to make an informed Secondary School decision.

Applications for places in Year 7 at Leeds City Academy for September should be made in the usual way via Leeds City Council Admissions Team, who will notify parents/carers of decisions on places allocated for September during the first few days of March.  If a parent/carer does not receive a letter from the Admissions Team at Leeds City Council within the first week of March, they should contact them direct on (0113) 247 5729.

Please visit our Policy Page to view our Admissions Policies.

The admissions timeline for Leeds City Council can be found below:

1 August 2023 Applications open
31 October 2023 National deadline for applying
28 November 2023 Deadline for late applications and changes (for schools which follow our admissions policy)
1 March 2024 National offer day

The video below can help with how the process works:

In year admissions:

From September 2013, whilst Leeds City Council will still have responsibility for managing the new Year 7 intake from Primary Schools, all secondary schools will be legally responsible with the duty to manage and process their own in-year admissions. 

Leeds City Academy has become part of the In-Year Pathfinder currently trialing in Leeds to help schools become familiar with the process of managing their own in-year admissions. As a result of this parents/carers can now contact the school directly to arrange a visit to look around the school and request an In-Year Common Preference Form (ICPF), which is to be completed and returned to school. Alternatively, you can click on the link below to download a form for completion and return it to the Academy.

Please mark all returned forms and correspondence for the attention of the Admissions Administrator.

In Year Admission Application


If the Governors have not been able to meet your preference for a place at Leeds City Academy, you can appeal against the decision to an independent appeals panel.

You will need to formally submit an appeal by completing an appeal application form, available from the website or Academy. The completed form and any additional information which you wish to be considered by the appeals panel should then be sent to the Admissions Administrator at the above address.

Completed appeal forms for New Year 7 Intake Appeals should be completed and sent to the academy. All appeal forms should be received by Thursday 28th March 2024 (This is for next year's admissions in September). You will receive at least 10 working days notice of your appeal hearing.

The receipt of all applications will be acknowledged and you will be notified of the date and time of your appeal hearing at least ten working days before the appeal.

You must ensure that all documentation is submitted in good time for it to be passed on to each member of the appeal panel, no later than seven days before your appeal.  Ideally you should include supplementary documentation with your appeal form. Following the hearing, decision letters will be sent within five school days of the hearing.

School days are term time only and do not include school holidays. If an appeal is submitted in the holidays, the school days’ deadline will not start until the beginning of the next term, e.g. an appeal received in July after schools have closed will not be heard until the new academic term.  School days will start from when the Academy re-opens in September.

If you have any questions about either the admissions or appeals process for Leeds City Academy, please don’t hesitate to contact us on (0113) 284 4260.

Click here for the Admissions Policy.

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