SEND Statement of Intent
Leeds City Academy promotes ambition and aspiration for all students through our ‘In Partnership’ Values. We expect all students to be Professional, Aspirational, Resilient, Tolerant, Caring and Respectful. These values are embedded throughout the curriculum and daily life at Leeds City Academy. The partnership between home, school and student is key to promoting success for students at Leeds City Academy.
Leeds City Academy supports an inclusive model for all students regardless of SEND need. We believe that outstanding classroom teaching is paramount to achieving this model. We use careful scaffolding and support whilst providing high levels of challenge.
We also believe that if a student requires further support a targeted intervention system provides a powerful tool in supporting students and enabling them to access the curriculum. We work closely with a range of outside agencies to ensure the best support can be put in place for any student that needs it.
The SEND code of Practice underpins our principles and our SEND Information Report highlights how this is embedded across Leeds City Academy.
Our SEND Team
Name | Role |
Jane Ball | Link Governor for SEND |
Francesca Sharpe
Assistant Principal Inclusion |
Helen Mills
Jen Oliver
Assistant SENDCo |
Dee Danahay
Assistant SENDCo |
Karen Deely
Arch Manager |
Sadie Smith
Arch Manager |
AJ Quarmby
Student Counsellor |
Ella Manasseh
Academic Intervention Mentor |
Waheeda Parmar
Academic Intervention Mentor |
Sam McLellan
Learning Support Assistant |
Fanyi Zhang
Learning Support Assistant |
Katie Teal
Learning Support Assistant |
Raymond Wilkes
Student Support Worker |
Aziz Rehman
Academic Achievement Mentor |
Marlon Thompson
Wellbeing Support |
Key Information
To view our SEND policy and Accessibility Plan – please click here to visit our policies page.
Please read our Information report for more detailed information about identification of SEND and the support offered for students with SEND at Leeds City Academy.
SEND Information Report |
SEND Newsletters
Our termly newsletter is a dedicated resource for families, offering insights, tips, and updates. Each edition features helpful strategies, success stories, and information about local events, events at our school and support services. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and community connections to help your child thrive.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I think my child has special education needs?
Please contact the SENDCO on 0113 2844260 or via email to Ms Mills will be happy to discuss your concerns with you and talk through any next steps.
What is the Leeds Local Offer for SEND?
The aim of the Leeds Local Offer is to make sure families can easily find what services are available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities in their local area.
The Leeds Local Offer will provide accurate, accessible, up to date information about all services from birth to 25, including all education, health and social care services, in one place. It will help families find out what help they can access to meet their individual needs.
The Leeds Local Offer will also provide a place where families can share their views of services and how they would like to see them develop. These views should then be taken into account as services are reviewed and developed.
You can access the Leeds Local Offer here: Leeds Local Offer
What are the academy's process for identifying and assessing students with SEND?
Some students may transfer to us from another setting with apparent SEND needs, but others may become apparent over a period of time. We have a very robust SEND Concern system that includes assessment, student, parent and staff voice, classroom observation and data analysis. If a student is identified as having SEND following this, they will be placed on the SEND register and a graduated response cycle will then be implemented with parents contacted throughout.
Once a student has been identified as SEND, the student is added to the SEND register under code K which means SEND support needs to be put in place. The following cycle, known as a graduated response, will then be followed:
- Assess: The SENDCo and other relevant staff will carry out an analysis of the students’ needs. This will always take into consideration the views of parents/carers and students.
- Plan: Where it is decided to provide a student with SEN support, parents/carers will be formally notified. Working with the parents/carers and the student, the SEND team will agree the interventions and support that will be put in place and outline this on a Pupil Passport (PP) along with any information from assessment.
- Do: All relevant staff working with the student will be aware of the Pupil Passports and will take the necessary actions and strategies written into the plan to ensure we implement any strategies or intervention.
- Review: The progress of the student will then be reviewed, and the impact and quality of the support and interventions will be evaluated. The process of Assess, Plan, Do and Review will then start again as we continue to push excellent SEND provision for your child and through each cycle a stepped approach to support may be implemented such that Wave 2 and Wave 3 support will be offered as if it needed. If referral to external agencies is required, parent and carers will need to give consent.
If a student has an EHCP this usually means their needs are severely impacting their progress and they will be listed on the register as E code. This could be children who previously have had Statements of SEND or students who school or parents think, over time, need their needs outlining in an EHCP. The Academy or parent can apply to the Local Authority for an EHCP and they decide whether an EHCP is purposeful.
EHCPs are reviewed annually with parental and Local Authority Involvement. Annual Reviews are held in accordance with statutory guidance, and emergency reviews take place when it is felt by parents and/or professionals that amendments need to be made to the EHC Plan.
What support with there be for my child's overall well-being?
We place your child’s well-being at the heart of any support and decision we make.
Our In Partnership culture promotes calm and positive behaviour through our six core values: Professional, Aspirational, Resilient, Tolerant, Caring, Respectful. We have an outstanding and wide-ranging PSHE curriculum which supports all students spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This is tailored to suit the individual needs of our students.
We have a team of staff who collaboratively support the Mental Health and Wellbeing of our students and implement strategies to support this through the curriculum and via tailored interventions. This includes a full-time qualified counsellor and a wellbeing worker. We also have access to external agencies as required.
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the academy?
Where a student requires more specialist support, we work closely with a range of external agencies. These include:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- STARs team – individual support for students with ASC, drop-in consultations for staff and staff training
- Educational Psychologist Team – consultations with family, staff and students. Observations and reports to support inclusive practice
- SENIT – assessments for students with complex learning needs, SEMH needs and staff training
- DAHIT who work with children with a hearing impairment
- Counselling and wellbeing services
- Mindmate SPA referrals and support from CAMHS following GP referral
What are the admission arrangements for students with disabilities?
The Academy is committed to straightforward, open, fair and transparent admissions arrangement. The Academy acts fully in accordance with its legal responsibilities.
Pages 3 and 4 of the Leeds City Academy Admissions Policy provide further details in relation to the admission arrangements for students with disabilities.
You can access the Leeds City Academy Admissions Policies here: Leeds City Academy - Policies
What facilities does the academy provide for students with disabilities?
The Academy has excellent disabled access and facilities, including lifts to all floors and intimate careers facilities. We regularly assess and review the accessibility of our building to ensure our students are fully included in all aspects of academy life. For further information please see the Accessibility Plan, linked in the section above.
How does the academy support the transition to Leeds City Academy?
We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
If your child is moving into year 7 at Leeds City Academy we:
- We will contact the SENCO and year 6 teacher and invite them to a Transition Panel meeting to ensure all professionals involved receive the relevant information.
- We hold an Induction day in the summer term attended by all students who will move up to Leeds City Academy in September and invite parents to attend in the evening.
- We will meet all students in their primary school prior to the Induction day held at Leeds City Academy
- We offer additional transition visits to Leeds City Academy for our students due to start year 7.
- We are very much guided by the individual needs of the child.
How will the academy help my child on transfer to the next phase of education?
We offer extensive transition support for our SEND leaders and have a team of staff dedicated to careers and transition for year 11. Students and parent/ carers are fully involved in this decision. We offer one to one meetings with a careers advisor, and make sure that each student is fully aware of the post-16 opportunities available through additional mentoring with our Key Stage 4 SEND lead. We can also arrange visits to FE Providers and help with the application process. The SENDCO works closely with key post 16 SENDCOS and our specialist CEIAG colleague to ensure everyone, with consent from the student, has all the information they need to be as successful as possible. The Super Form Tutor ensures that close contact is kept with students as they move into post-16 study.
What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had?
Training is on-going and revisited on a regular basis dependent on the needs of our students at the time. Staff have been trained to support children with a range of additional needs with support from external providers where needed. This has included training in: Autism, Speech and Language Therapy, Dyslexia and Mental Health. This is done through specific SEND CPD and whole school CPD during training days and after school sessions.
Staff who support children with SEND are also trained in the interventions they deliver with full supervision offers and regular line management meetings as well as intervention reviews and learning walks to ensure the interventions we deliver are strong, show impact and are working for the individual child.
Our SENDCo and Assistant SENDCos have all completed their National Qualifications in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
Students take part in all activities and school visits inclusively. Leeds City Academy has an exceptional Peak Performance programme designed to support the development of well-rounded young people through wider curriculum activities which take place after school. Work experience and a thorough CEIAG programme prepare students for adult life, this is tailored towards the needs of each individual student. Planning and consultation with parents/carers ensure all the appropriate support and resources are in place so that any child can access what the school has to offer regardless of their learning need. Individual risk assessments are carried out when necessary and staff are fully aware of student needs prior to any additional activities.
How can i raise a complaint of a concern?
Complaints about SEND provision in our academy should be made to the SENDCo, Ms Mills, in the first instance. If they are unresolved, the White Rose Academies Trust Complaints Policy can be followed. This can be found here: Leeds City Academy - Policies
Useful Links
Leeds SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services
Specialist Training in Autism and Raising Standards - STARS
Leeds Inclusive Sport – City Wide Activities for Disabled Children, Young People and Adults
SEND Jargon Buster - A list of all the acronyms used in SEND and their meanings
If you wish to contact our SEND team, please email - Mrs H Mills is the SENCo at Leeds City Academy.