Leeds City Academy




Our Expectations of Excellence


A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students. Parents and carers should be aware that any student arriving at the academy wearing incorrect uniform can expect to be either sent home to change, or be placed in isolation for the day until a parent/carer can bring the correct uniform. 


The academy will not bypass this expectation as a result of receiving notes from parents explaining uniform discrepancies. Exceptions may be considered where notes are supported by a letter from a medical professional.


Academy Uniform

LCA branded items can be purchased from Uniwears, 18-20 Green Rd, Meanwood, Leeds LS6 4JP, 0113 230 6272

371 Harehills Lane, LS9 6AP, 0113 235 1256.


Non-generic items can be purchased at other suppliers, shops and supermarkets. 

The same uniform is worn throughout the academic year. 

Students are expected to:

  • Wear a black blazer with purple piping and academy logo at all times until otherwise directed.
  • Wear a white tailored shirt (Year 11 a black tailored shirt) which must be tucked into your waistband with a top button that must be fastened.
  • Wear the correct coloured school tie which must be worn with the knot covering the top button of the shirt.
  • Wear plain black tailored trousers with black socks. Tailoredmeans not tight fitting or figure hugging and not made from stretchy fabrics.
  • It is optional to wear the school v- neck purple Academy jumper. This can be worn as an addition to the blazer, not as a substitute.
  • If a student chooses to wear a belt, it must be black and have a suitable buckle.
  • Skirts are not permitted to be worn as part of the academy uniform.
  • Wear completely black leather or leather look shoes. Trainers/pumps/canvas shoes are NOT allowed. All shoes must have a flat sole and sit below the ankle (not ankle boots).
  • Students must come to school with an A4 sized sturdy bag. The bag must be of a suitable size to hold their planner, equipment and books.
  • Outdoor items such as outdoor coats, hats and scarves can be worn to and from the academy; however these should be removed before entering the building.

The academy will not bypass uniform expectations as a result of receiving notes from parents explaining uniform discrepancies.

Exceptions may be considered where notes are supported by a letter from a medical professional.


PE Uniform

All students in Years 7-11 are expected to wear the school PE uniform. This consists of:

  • Leeds City Academy black polo shirt.
  • Leeds City Academy Black Tracksuit Bottoms or Shorts
  • Leeds City Academy black training top
  • Plain black football socks
  • Trainers
  • Football Boots and Shin Pads (for outdoor winter sports)

Jewellery and Appearance

Jewellery is not permitted in school due to safety reasons.

  • One small plain stud in the lobe of each ear may be worn, however these must be removed for PE lessons. No other piercings anywhere on the face or tongue is allowed; covering with plasters will not be acceptable.
  • Students are encouraged to wear a watch.
  • In Year 7, 8 and 9 make-up should not be worn. In Year 10 and 11 make-up may be worn but must be minimal and neutral in colour. Where students arrive at school with excessive make-up, bright eyeliner, lipstick, nail varnish, they will be asked to remove it.
  • Nail extensions, Shellac or any other additions to natural nails are not allowed. If a student is unable to remove any of the aforementioned they will be placed in Seclusion until this is done.
  • Extremes in hairstyle are not permitted. The Academy pastoral staff will judge suitability of hairstyle and colours.
  • Hair accessories must be in keeping with school uniform. Fashion items such as flowers and hair bandanas must not be worn.


Students must come to school with the following equipment so they are ready to learn:

  • Planner – provided by the school
  • 2 x Blue or black pens
  • Green pen and red pen
  • 2 x Pencils
  • Ruler
  • Scientific Calculator
  • English Dictionary and/or Bilingual Dictionary
  • Reading Book
  • Water Bottle – that can be refilled at breaks and lunch

Mobile Phones

The use of mobile phones is not permitted anywhere on the school premises during the school day.  Students who bring their mobile phones to school must ensure that their mobile phone is turned off and in the bottom of a school bag.  If a mobile phone is seen or being used anywhere on the premises it will be confiscated for 24 hours. Refusal to hand a mobile phone to a member of staff is defiance.  This will result in a day in the Reflective Learning Centre.

We do not accept responsibility for mobile phones or mobile technology through either loss or theft.  Students should also note that the viewing or sharing of offensive materials or verbally abusing, bullying or inciting aggression towards members of the LCA community via mobile technology is liable to result in a school sanction and/or police intervention.